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Short sighted and bad tempered, that's our Mole!

The Mole scutters about the landscape after being released, a second press of the fire button will make him jump upwards.
By now our Mole is getting anoyed and will explode if you hit the fire button again.
If left to himself, he will dig into the first bit of earth he encounters. The Mole will lose his temper and explode if he encounters a worm or digs through the earth and falls.

A Mole losing his temper will do 30 points of damage.
Mole Bomb
Got a few enemies situated in those hard to reach places? Crack out the Mole, he can make it all the way through to the bottom of the landscape if he isn't disturbed somewhere along the way. Once you've broken all the way through that big chunk of protective soil there isn't much they can do to stop your onslaught!
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